Cooperativa Sociale San Saturnino onlus, Italy
Contact: Gabriella Fabrizi: fabrizigabriella@gmail.com
The Social Cooperative San Saturnino onlus (SANSAT) was constituted in 1989, although its origins and first steps date back to 1980 when it collaborated with the city government in launching an initial experiment of Domestic Assistance for the Elderly carried out in Rome.
Over the years, the considerable diversification of the activities performed has allowed the cooperative to operate in several jurisdictions/districts of the city of Rome and to use its competences and experience to respond to the various needs of a wide range of vulnerable groups: single women with children, migrants, children, elderly, homeless, ROMA people, drug addicts.
In carrying out the mission, the Social Cooperative San Saturnino develops psychological, social health and educational services.
Committed to
- The implementation of services directed to the person and the family aimed at improving the quality of life of every citizen/user;
- The activation of processes of socialization for the person to stimulate paths of social solidarity, acceptance of diversity, non-discrimination;
- The development of interventions aimed at preventing disadvantage among individual citizens or at-risk groups;
San Saturnino has an ISO 9001 certified organization for quality. In managing its sundry services, the Cooperative makes use of a qualified organizational system and diversified human and professional resources: social workers, psychologists, pedagogues, educators, home health care-givers, childcare workers etc. SANSAT currently employees 130 fulltime and part time staff.
It is organized in four areas:
Elderly Area: San Saturnino manages an important in-home assistance services and a daily centers for older people.
Social Inclusion Area: The services of this area arise from the Cooperative’s long history of work and involvement in the sector of social marginalization. In particular, the services of social emergency have allowed us over the years to come to know and analyze the phenomena linked to numerous and heterogeneous expressions of distress in society, observing the difficulties, abandonment and chronic condition of people left to face the most complex aspects of social life on their own.
Children and Teen-agers Area: This Area defined itself as “Services for childhood and adolescence” after various years’ work aimed at contributing to the construction of a shared, scientific and up-to- date culture of childhood and adolescence.
Innovative Projects Sector: This Sector was born from the cooperative’s propensity towards the logic of Lifelong Learning, which guides its choices and development with the aims of
- guaranteeing the permanent interdisciplinary training and supervision of its own members and workers.
- fostering the know-how of all the services and workers of the Cooperative by means of developing and managing pilot projects and research, the systemization of innovative models of intervention, all the while guaranteeing their broad diffusion and applicability.
It is the sector in which the European projects and transnational cooperation are developed. The Cooperative’s commitment in the European projects and transnational cooperation stems from the cooperative’s propensity to constantly develop the know-how of all its services, also through the dialogue with partners from different contexts. This allows the systematization and dissemination of innovative models of intervention, strengthening a multidisciplinary approach that has always been an operational feature of the cooperative through:
- the realization of researches and studies able to deepen the analysis of the social demand of the territories aimed at the correct interpretation of needs and the planning of targeted interventions;
- the development of operational interventions based on the logic of multi-agency networks at national and transnational levels.
SANSAT works daily to battle discrimination and promote the empowerment of vulnerable groups. SANSAT is an important local reference point in the field because of their wide experience in the development and management of training and educational interventions, their involvement in employee updating and upgrading activities, and their specialism in developing experimental models. SANSAT has developed specific tools for detection, evaluation and enhancement of competences and for the empowering work. SANSAT has extensive experience in planning and management of focus groups and learning paths.